Rental Magica

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Rental Magica
Rental Magica

Due to his father's disappearance, Itsuki Iba has to take over the family business: a magician dispatch service. Their family basically employs countless magicians and other supernatural beings in order to send them out to help those who need magical assistance. As a leader, Itsuki now has to be tough, commanding, and reliable, but there's one problem, he's a coward. Also, in order to run a successful business, he has to connect with his employees, which is more difficult than it seems due to his personality. But not only does he have to deal with his own employees, he also has to deal with those who threaten the family business.
...from Wikipedia

Check out what else is airing this Fall 2007 season.
Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette Fall 2007 saison.


Genre: Fantasy
A light novel series by Makoto Sanda, with illustrations by pako


Michael Eh?

I must admit I like this one. The characters are too overpowering or cliche like too many animes. It does leave things a little flat in the Japanese voice acting but it is still enjoyable storyline. I'll be following this show's development.

Club Notes

No Notes at this time

External Links

Official Website Japanese

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