Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi

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Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi
Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi
Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi
Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi

Himuro-kun is a living descendant of the Snow Woman from Japanese folklore. But anytime he's around his eccentric yet kind colleague, Fuyutsuki-san, he totally freezes up! Despite the snowstorm of love that rages on in his heart, and her complete cluelessness, will he take a step forward or stay frozen in place?

Himuro-kun est un descendant vivant de la femme des neiges du folklore japonais. Mais chaque fois qu'il est avec son collègue excentrique mais gentil, Fuyutsuki-san, il se fige complètement ! Malgré la tempête de neige d'amour qui fait rage dans son cœur et son ignorance totale, fera-t-il un pas en avant ou restera-t-il figé sur place ?
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Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette Winter 2023 saison.


Alternative Names/Des Noms Alternatifs: The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague
Author/Auteur: TONOGAYA Miyuki
Artist/Artiste: TONOGAYA Miyuki
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Demographic/Démographique: Josei
Adapted from the manga/Adapté du manga


Michael Eh?

Off beat comedy. Being Josei comedy as oppose to shounen, saves us from the hijinks typical of anime rom-coms. Didn't expect the kitsune being thrown into the mix but Japanese yokai in a real world setting is an unexpected bonus to this series. If you're looking for something different, give this series a go.

Mr. G

Rom-com involving supernatural creatures in a contemporary setting. A young graduate starting her first job in the workforce at an office. Has a black cat with white whiskers. She meets an ice spirit coworker, and slowly a bond develops. The ice spirit outwardly exhibits his emotions with manifestations of snow weather for comedy purposes. I'd say it's mainly targeted towards young women, but the show is quite charming and laid back for casual viewing too. I don't think it's as good as "The Princess Next Door Spoils Me Rotten" from this season, but it's got its own style, and comes at romance from an older age bracket. The character designs are a bit plain in comparison to the backgrounds.


This is a very slow paced show. That isnt necessarily a bad thing, if the world or characters are being established, but it felt like the show was going out of its way to put the viewer to sleep. Normally Im okay with slice of life style shows, but this is slower than I normally see. There are some good points to the premise and story, but it would have to pick up a bit to keep my interest.

Club Notes/Remarques du Club

Date Reviewed: February 14th 2023 Valentine's Day

External Links/Liens Externes

Official Website/Site officiel Japanese

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No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.