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A couple of decades have passed since Ultraman last was seen in Tokyo, and his kaiju nemeses seem to have gone back into outer space. Former Ultraman Shin Hayata has forgotten that he ever wore the metal suit, though as Minister of Defense he still takes a keen interest in protecting Japan. His young son Shinjiro knows that his dad once worked with the SSSP (Science Special Search Party), but not that that explains how he came to have amazing strength and other seemingly supernatural abilities; as a moody teen he just thinks they make him weird. But then one day a dangerous alien comes back to Earth, and everything starts to become clear. Will Shinjiro don the suit and become the new Ultraman?

Quelques décennies se sont écoulées depuis la dernière visite d’Ultraman à Tokyo, et ses kaiju nemeses semblent être retournés dans l’espace. L'ancien Ultraman Shin Hayata a oublié qu'il avait porté la combinaison en métal, même si, en tant que ministre de la Défense, il s'intéresse toujours beaucoup à la protection du Japon. Son jeune fils, Shinjiro, sait que son père a déjà travaillé avec le SSSP (groupe de recherche spéciale sur la science), mais cela n’explique pas pourquoi il a acquis une force incroyable et d’autres capacités apparemment surnaturelles; En tant qu'adolescent de mauvaise humeur, il pense simplement qu'ils le rendent étrange. Mais un jour, un dangereux extraterrestre revient sur Terre et tout commence à devenir clair. Shinjiro revêtira-t-il le costume et deviendra-t-il le nouvel Ultraman?
from Manga Updates

Check out what else is airing this Anime Shows - Spring 2019 season.
Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette Anime Shows - Spring 2019 saison.


Genre: Action, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Superpowers
Demographic/Démographique: Seinen
Adapted from the manga/Adapté du manga, Ultraman - Manga


Michael Eh?

Better than I expected this to be but not by much. The CGI was a pass but the motion capture was sloppy with the usual excess movement to show emotion. Was it worth putting Evangelion 3.0+1.0 on hold for years. I would say no but worth it to the director to get out from under Eva's shadow.


I'm not sure how I feel about this one. It is a fairly run-of-the-mill superhero show, and the CGI animation is fairly obvious (and to me, ugly and annoying). Still, it was more enjoyable than a lot of shows I have seen, so I guess it might be worth applying the 3 episode rule to this one.


Despite having no first-hand familiarity with the manga or previous series, I was stuck with a strong sense of been there done that, which did nothing to feed my desire to see any more of this.



Club Notes/Remarques du Club

Date Reviewed: May 12th & 13th, 2019

External Links/Liens Externes

Official Website/Site officiel Japanese

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Manga Updates

No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.