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Revision as of 02:01, 28 August 2010 by DarkAvenger696 (talk | contribs)
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I love Yaoi!
..soooo... I'm sure your wonder what the 'review hp' thing is right? lol THAT would be the geek in me *grins* its currently (as accurate as i remember) all the reviews I have left for Manga or Anime on this site. lol yes it is geeky of me to do.

My Review HP
10 ⇒ 15 ⇒ 20 ⇒ 25 ⇒ 30 ⇒ 35 ⇒ 40 ⇒ 45 ⇒ 50 ⇒
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

And now... for all the current crap I'm addicted to listening to right now, from anime openings/closings to j-pop and more lol looks like you will have to click the link to have a listen, MediaWiki doesn't seem to support any type of music/video embeds.. so... CLICK!!! XD My Current Music Obsessions Enjoy! =D


this is just a start I will defiantly be adding more, now about the colours they are codes to let you know what kind of content may be present in the manga or anime. colour coding to know if you actually want to click or not is as follows;
Sexual Content/Mature
Yaoi (witch will obviously have some kind of sexual content XD )
Regular everyday shit, could be romantic in some way, funny, physiological etc.
Things that could be considered 'out of the norm' like gender bending and odd horror
Things that are left in black font are titles I don't know how I should label them, this could be because either they are more than one of the categories above or because it simple doesn't fit into one of those labels.



Just a little heads up in case you didn't realize, the colour code from the manga section is the same for this section so head my colour codes! =D There are some titles you can't click on, this is because though you may find the manga on here the anime isn't so if you want to know a bit more about it just read the summery for the manga and go from there.


*Sighs* Now if only I had enough money to buy all the figures I wanted.... *dreams*

Most of the pictures here have been found on My Figure Collection as well as Figure FM

Complete Set for Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu

Complete Set of Suzumiya Haruhi Band figures