Happy Hustle High

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Happy Hustle High
Happy Hustle High

Happy Hustle High follows the exploits of Hanabi Ozora. Hanabi is an assertive 16-year old who protects her less assertive friends. The all-girls' school that Hanabi attends, Uchino High School, is merged with Meibi High School, an all-boys' school. Once there, Hanabi meets Yasuaki Garaku, a student council member who is also a surfer. Yasuaki expresses the fact that he has no interest in girls. When the Girls' council and the Boys' council start to fight, Hanabi jumps in, hoping that she can convince Yasuaki to change his mind.
from Wikipedia
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Alternative Names: H3 School
Author: TAKADA Rie
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School Life
Demographic: Shoujo
No Notes at this time



Hanabi is the rather un-typical, typical hero character XD she's got that cute look to her and everything seems to be sweet and cute about her...minus the hair XD witch is referred to as 'lions main' she doesn't like guys that try and take advantage of girls and throws a good punch when need be. This manga is full of comedic relief and holds a rather good plot, if you have time on your hands and want a good giggle this is defiantly something your gonna wanna read.

External Links

Official Website [Japanese]
Viz Manga

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Anime News Network

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